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  5. Severná Európa
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  7. Spojené kráľovstvo
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  9. Anglicko
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  11. Essex
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  13. Little Yeldham

Little Yeldham

Lokalizácia Little Yeldham : Krajina Spojené kráľovstvo, Národ Anglicko, Essex.
Dostupné informácie : Geografická poloha, Nadmorská výška, Počasie a Hotel.
Blízkosti mestá a dediny : Great Yeldham, Ovington a Belchamp Otten.

Geografia Little Yeldham

Geografická poloha Little YeldhamZemepisná šírka: 52.0212, Dĺžka: 0.578216
52° 1′ 16″ Severné, 0° 34′ 42″ Východná
Nadmorská výška Little Yeldham78 m
Klíma Little YeldhamOceanic climate (Köppen klimatickej klasifikácie: Cfb)

Vzdialenosť Little Yeldham

Londýn 75 km NajbližšieBristol 227 kmBirmingham 176 km
Leeds 244 kmGlasgow 532 kmSheffield 205 km
Bradford 252 kmManchester 249 kmEdinburgh 501 km
Liverpool 285 kmCardiff 266 kmWakefield 232 km

Mapa a plán Little Yeldham

Blízkosti mestá a dediny Little Yeldham

Zone Little Yeldham

Lokálny čas Little Yeldham
Časová zóna Little YeldhamUTC +0:00 (Europe/London)
letný čas UTC +1:00
Zimný čas UTC +0:00

Počasie Little Yeldham

Východ a západ slnka Little Yeldham

DeňVýchod a západ slnkaSúmrakAstronomický súmrakNámorná súmrak
26 Jún05:39 - 14:00 - 22:2204:50 - 23:1003:32 - 00:28 01:00 - 01:00
27 Jún05:39 - 14:00 - 22:2104:51 - 23:1003:33 - 00:28 01:00 - 01:00
28 Jún05:40 - 14:01 - 22:2104:51 - 23:1003:34 - 00:27 01:00 - 01:00
29 Jún05:41 - 14:01 - 22:2104:52 - 23:0903:35 - 00:26 01:00 - 01:00
30 Jún05:41 - 14:01 - 22:2104:53 - 23:0903:37 - 00:25 01:00 - 01:00
1 Júl05:42 - 14:01 - 22:2004:54 - 23:0903:38 - 00:24 01:00 - 01:00
2 Júl05:43 - 14:01 - 22:2004:55 - 23:0803:39 - 00:23 01:00 - 01:00

Hotel Little Yeldham

Hotel The Waggon And HorsesThe Waggon And Horses

Great Yeldham
This 15th-century pub in North Essex serves traditional home-cooked food in its bar and restaurant, and has comfortable en suite rooms with free Wi-Fi... zobraziť viac
£UK 39
Hotel The Coach House at The PheasantThe Coach House at The Pheasant

In the peaceful village of Gestingthorpe on the border of Essex and Suffolk is The Pheasant pub. The pub’s Coach House offers boutique accommodation in a rural location just 15 minutes’ drive from Sudbury... zobraziť viac
£UK 85
Hotel Ship Stores Guest HouseShip Stores Guest House

Ship Stores is a lovely B&B offering free Wi-Fi throughout, a friendly welcome, and a tasty full breakfast selection included in your room rate. Within a short walk are pubs and restaurants, a country park and a 13th-century priory to explore... zobraziť viac
£UK 48
Hotel The Dog InnThe Dog Inn
In the picturesque Essex market town of Halstead, The Dog Inn is a traditional English pub offering free Wi-Fi and free parking. Guests can walk a few hundred yards to enjoy the high street's bars and restaurants... zobraziť viac
£UK 30
Hotel The Plough InnThe Plough Inn

This beautiful country pub occupies a privileged location close to the main cities of Cambridge, Newmarket, Bury St. Edmunds and Sudbury... zobraziť viac
£UK 70
Viac hotelov »

Zaujímavosti Little Yeldham

Jadrová elektráreň

Bradwell nuclear power station 38 kmSizewell nuclear power stations 74.4 kmDungeness Nuclear Power Station 126.1 km

Strana Little Yeldham

Priamy odkaz
DB-City.comLittle Yeldham 2.5/5 (2021-05-27 07:39:47)
  • Informácie
  • Geografia
  • Vzdialenosť
  • Mapa a plán
  • Blízkosti mestá a dediny
  • Zone
  • Počasie
  • Východ a západ slnka
  • Hotel
  • Zaujímavosti
  • Strana